Tuesday, July 28, 2015


Sailor is my one child that I can count on something happening to. Seriously. If something is going to go wrong, an accident to happen or an illness to catch, you can almost guarantee Sailor will have it happen. The second to last week of school she woke up complaining of her side hurting. I honestly didn't give it much thought and had her continue to get ready for school. After several more complaints and a request from Sailor to see the doctor, I decided she might really have something going on.  We got the other two kids off to school and headed off to see her pediatrician. After examining her he made arrangements for her to be seen for an ultrasound in Pensacola at Sacred Heart.

 Isn't that a pitiful face?!
After a confirmed case of appendicitis we had to wait for them to get her a room and get her on the surgery schedule.
   A little smile. However, she was still not fully aware of the fact that she would be having surgery. I let the doctors be the ones to tell her and explain things to her.
Being in the pediatric wing there were arts and crafts for her to do while waiting.
IV in and a little reading to pass the time. She is now fully aware of everything going on and not exactly thrilled about it.
We were very fortunate that Hank was able to take the afternoon off work to be at the hospital with us. Hanks parents also arrived in town that day so they were able to be home when Cutter and Tucker got home from school.
Recovering after a successful surgery.    
  She was in quite a bit of pain following her surgery but only required one dose of pain medicine to help ease things off. She never took anything other than Tylenol after that dose. Tough little girl!
We were released by 10am the next morning and she was ready to get home to her bed.
Her three scars and a belly full of air.

Slowly healing and getting her walks in. She recovered great and only missed two days of school due to a long weekend. She was a little slower recovering for softball but that was to be expected. We were so blessed with fabulous doctors, hospital and staff. They made her first surgery and hospital experience a good one.

Monday, July 27, 2015

End of season T-ball

Ball season is a very time of year for us. With Cutter and Sailor both playing it's hit or miss on who gets to watch what game. We switched sports associations this year and feel very fortunate that it turned out to be a move for the better, especially for Cutter. He had a fabulous coach who did a great job of working with the kids.

Their favorite part of the year, the end of season party.
He's always so proud of his trophy, just look at that sweet smile!

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Chick Day

Growing up in the city, we didn't have chickens and all our eggs came from Safeway. My kids have recently been asking for some chickens and we have been looking into it, especially since we are allowed to have them in our subdivision as long as we don't have a rooster. In the spring, the local Ace Hardware store has "chick day" and has lots of baby chicks available for purchase. We took the kids by to let them see them and as hard as it was, we left there empty handed. Whew. Did I mention we have duck hunting dog that lives in the backyard?! Wonder how she would feel about chickens.


Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Monster Jam 2015

I've always said if it wasn't for bad luck I wouldn't have any luck at all. That changed when I won four tickets to Monster Jam. Seriously, why couldn't I have won something much more exciting, and much more girly?! However, Hank and the boys were thrilled. Sailor and I decided not to go which left them with an extra ticket that they shared with our neighbor. He seriously has only one grandson and like 9 granddaughters, he was a little more than willing to have a "boys night".

I might not have been excited about winning tickets but that sweet face sure made it worth it.
Happiness = a bag of cotton candy.

Love those two goofballs.
  We have an arena entirely too small for the trucks to do anything, but it makes for a great concerts, we haven't had a bad seat yet!

Monday, July 20, 2015

4th grade field trip Florida Museum of History and Natural Science

This was our last stop of the day and by far the kids favorite. They have boardwalks throughout the entire park that take you by the animals and exhibits. I would love to make a trip here during cooler weather to bring the entire family.

All of these dinosaurs were made from various car parts and scrap metal.

  A napping black bear.
Florida panther.
 There has been rumor that these have been spotted not only in Navarre, but in my subdivision. That scares the crap out me, these are some huge cats!
Red wolves that were brought here from the refuge in NC, I did ask.
Always one of my favorites, bald eagles.
  And one of my least favorites, snakes.
And after some lunch and our tour, playtime to end the day before our three hour ride back home.

Friday, July 17, 2015


After leaving the Capitol, we got a scenic tour of FSU on our way to the Museum of Natural History. Most of the kids didn't care a thing about driving by the college, but since Tucker has shown interest in attending here one day, I was thrilled. It is a beautiful and huge campus.

Thursday, July 16, 2015

4th grade Tallahassee Trip

Each year the 4th grade students at West Navarre Intermediate have their "big" field trip, a three hour ride to visit our state capitol. I wasn't able to chaperone when Tucker went so I was excited to be able to go with Sailor's class. It's a long and exhausting day, leaving at 5:30 in the morning and not getting home until around 6 that evening, but totally worth it.

The kids love the fact they get to ride on big buses with bathrooms. I loved the fact that I got an entire seat to myself at the front of the bus.

My view heading across I-10 that early in the morning, beautiful start to the day.
  The Florida state capitol. 
This is actually the old capitol and the tall building behind it is the new capitol building.

They have tried to redo the old capitol back to it's original appearance.
Downtown Tallahassee.

  Having a seat in the waiting area of the Governors office.
Capitol chapel.
The Supreme Court of Florida

  State Senate.