Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Date night

I had to debate a little on whether or not I even wanted to share this as I wasn't sure it said very much for my parenting skills. On the other hand, it was too funny not to. This is an actual conversation that took place at my house yesterday afternoon.

I was planning on attending an event in Crestview, which is about a 45 drive from the house, and needed to try and leave about 5. Hank was already running a little later than normal due to a stop at the grocery store and normal traffic. So I went ahead and got ready and figured the worst case scenario was I would leave Tucker watching Sailor and Cutter for a few minutes before Hank got home.

Sailor and Cutter were both in her room playing Game Cube. I went in once completely ready to let them know of the plan.

Me: Sailor and Cutter, your daddy will be here in a few minutes but I'm going to go ahead and get ready to leave so I won't be late.
Sailor: Mommy, you look really pretty, where are you going?
Me: I have a date.
Sailor: With a man?!
Cutter: No silly, with Ms Leann.

Apparently I need to be a little more specific when explaining my dates to Sailor. Either that or Hank and I really need to consider more date nights with each other.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Sip, Dip, and Dab with Barb

When the kids were in NC without their parents, they got to go and do a few fun and exciting things. Aunt Teresa took Sailor to a painting class that Barbara Fleming was having. I think this was one of her first classes offered to children and it looks like it was a big success. Sailor loves anything to do with coloring, drawing or painting so I knew she would really enjoy this. 

  For some reason I imagine Sailor went home with a tad bit of paint in her hair.
Serious concentration.

She was so proud, as were we, and couldn't wait to get it home and find a place to hang it.

Monday, August 26, 2013

Back to school

Last week was back to school for Santa Rosa County. Tucker and Sailor started back on Monday and Cutter had his first day on Wednesday. Cutter is in VPK this year and will be going four mornings a week and it doesn't cost me a thing. Needless to say, me and my checkbook are very excited!

Tucker ~ 8th grade.
Sailor ~ 3rd grade.
Cutter ~ VPK.
Cutter happily went right on in, found his seat, and went right to work.
Right after this picture he said, "that's enough pictures. You can go now, you have things you need to do." I'm not sure what's worse, them crying for you to stay or them telling you to leave.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Mom of the Year

The week we spent in NC Tucker worried about his hermit crab. No matter how much I assured him that I had left plenty of food and water and he would be fine, he still worried. The week we got back Tucker had camp for the last three days of the week. Sometime Wednesday I believe, I noticed that the crab had not moved in a day or two. When I picked him up he immediately almost fell out of the shell and didn't look right. Great. The crab survived a week with us gone only to die while Tucker was at camp. I sure hated to be the bad guy but once he got home I let him know that his crab had died. He was devastated. I let him have time alone and didn't really worry about getting rid of the crab, I figured he would let me know when he was ready to part with it. The next day was a busy day and the thought of the crab managed to slip my mind. Either that evening or the next, I honestly don't remember, I was in Tucker's room and looked in the cage and saw that the shell was still in the same place but there was a crab walking around without a shell. Apparently Tucker's crab had not died after all, he was in the process of molting. Poor kid, I'm not sure at what point he will forgive me for putting him through that, but right now he is just thankful his crab is still alive.

Our miracle crab and his former self.

Friday, August 16, 2013

That's how he rolls

This past weekend Cutter was determined he was going to do a little fishing. We all know how well that usually goes, after about 15 minutes out he is ready to call it quits and go home. This time was a little different. Not only was he more willing to stay and fish but he also managed to catch a little something. He was very proud of his catch, even wanted Hank to measure it like they are suppose to do.

 He still isn't too sure about actually touching the fish.
  Cool kid.
And that's how he catches a ride back to the parking lot.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Sailor turns 8!

So I'm only a couple of months behind on this one but back in June, yes June, Sailor celebrated her 8th birthday. Her only request this year was a day of bowling with her best friend Cassandra, easy enough. We picked Cassandra up and headed off to the base bowling alley. My parents happened to be in town visiting and I'm not sure who was more excited about bowling, Sailor or dad.

The birthday girl.
Sailor and her best friend, Cassandra.
I'd be willing to bet money that dad was explaining something.
Cutter started his game with the slide but by the second game he wanted to do it all by himself.
They were thrilled when the lights went out for some cosmic bowling.
That's some serious concentration.
Back to the house for cake and presents!
I'm pretty sure they will both hate me for this one day. Sailor was so happy with the present Tucker and Cutter gave her.
And who doesn't love legos, especially girly legos?!

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

2nd grade Patriotic Program

For the end of the school year, the second graders at West Navarre Primary put on a Patriotic performance. I don't know that I've ever been so impressed with a group of second graders. It was very obvious that their teachers had spent a lot of time and effort working with them and rehearsing. I didn't record the program since I was buying a DVD copy but I sure wish I would have so I could share it. We couldn't have asked for a better way to finish Sailor's last year at WNP.

Monday, August 5, 2013

Still Here

We are still here, I promise. I've had a couple of people mention that I'm a little behind on posting and I apologize, however, I feel much better knowing that at least someone looks at the blog and it isn't a waste of time. I got a new computer a couple of months ago and am still trying to figure out how to use it. I recently downloaded some pictures only to not be able to find them after they were downloaded. This old dog learning new tricks is a lot harder than I thought it would be. The good news is that I am finally, ever so slowly, learning where things are and how to use them. The bad news is that it takes me so long that I get frustrated and quit. Hopefully with the start of school just around the corner, my life will get back to a somewhat normal schedule and I will get back to routine postings.

 Only about a month late, but a picture of the kids from the 4th of July.