Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Life in Navarre

In case I haven't mentioned it to any of you, I love my life! The military could not have stationed us at a more perfect base. We have absolutely loved living here and I thought I would share a few of the many reasons why. This afternoon when the kids got home from school we all loaded up and headed over to the beach. The sun was shining, not a cloud in the sky, and the temp was about 60. I love the beach anytime of year but it is especially great right now with hardly anyone out there. The kids love to pick up seashells (or "sheshells" as Sailor calls them), chase birds and just run and play. Today we had the pleasure of watching a group of guys skimboarding, and they were pretty impressive. You can also see the progress to our local fishing pier. The old one had been damaged by a series of hurricanes and the new one has an anticipated completion date of April or May of this year. Hank and Tucker are both hoping to spend many fun filled days out there fishing.

Monday, January 25, 2010

First day of pre-k

Today was Sailor's first day of pre-k. She has been anxiously awaiting this day since we signed her up in the fall. Florida has a free program called VPK and you have the option of letting your child go all year for 3 hours a day or for a semester in which they go all day long. We decided to wait for an opening for the spring semester so she would be able to go all day. Her day starts at 8:30 and we pick her up at 3:10. Her class just happens to be at the intermediate school that Tucker attends so it works out really well for us. She was slightly nervous this morning until she actually got in the classroom and then she was all smiles. When I picked her up this afternoon she talked and talked and then talked some more. She said her favorite part of the day was getting to eat lunch in the cafeteria, having strawberry milk, and getting to see Tucker. Apparently she had a great day and is looking forward to going again tomorrow.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Birthday Wishes

Happy Birthday to our sweet angel Troy!

Monday, January 18, 2010

10 months

Cutter turned 10 months old on Saturday. He has decided to celebrate this new found age by refusing to be my baby anymore. He has only been on his feet for a little over a month now but has mastered walking and unless he is in a hurry he never crawls anymore. We have watched in amazement as he gets braver and braver and will walk further and further. He can now walk from the living room to the kitchen, through the kitchen and back to the living room. Cutter is pretty much eating all big people food now and would prefer to not have baby food at all. We are so fortunate in his eating habits and have not come across anything that he won't eat. He says "dada" and "mama" but it seems his favorite thing is to growl. I'm not sure why he does this or where he learned it but it is the funniest thing ever. Cutter loves playing peek-a-boo and will even grab your hands to cover his face to play. It is so hard to believe that in just 2 short months he will be celebrating his first birthday!