Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Snapper Season

One of the few disadvantages of living in this beautiful area is the fact that we don't own a boat. And as much as Hank and Tucker love to fish, it makes it a little difficult, especially at times like the opening of snapper season at the beginning of June. However, there are plenty of charter boats in the surrounding areas. Hank had been saving some of his Christmas money and thought this would be the perfect way to spend it, so he and Tucker went out for the day. I'm so thankful for cell phones that take pictures, Hank would never take them otherwise.

Leaving out of Destin Harbor.
Heading out the pass.
Tucker standing in front of all the fish caught from the boat that day.
I believe there is a two fish per person limit on red snapper, obviously they did pretty good.
While they were off fishing for the day, I took the other two over for some pool time. Amazingly we had both pools to ourselves for a short time.
Sailor learning the fine art of sunbathing. Don't worry, I've also been teaching her the importance of sunscreen.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Navarre High c/o 2012

First let me apologize for not posting a single thing in quite some time. Apparently when the kids got out of school I took the whole "summer vacation" phrase literally. We have just a few weeks left before school starts back so I'm trying to get myself back on some sort of schedule so *fingers crossed* that things will start to get posted again a little more regularly.

 At the beginning of June we had the honor of attending Sarah Beth's graduation from Navarre High. We have known the Marquis family for a lot of years now and it honestly brought me to tears knowing she is old enough to graduate. We are so proud of what she has accomplished and can't wait to see what her college years hold for her!

The extremely proud parents!
 Graduation was held in Pensacola at the Civic Center. It sure beat the heck out of graduating on a hot football field like I did. Plenty of seating, no dealing with how many tickets each family is given and most importantly, air conditioning!
 The graduate.
 I love these girls!