Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Ducks Unlimited Greenwing Event

Hank has been a DU member for as long as I can remember, but for the first time in many years he's been able to be an active member of a local committee. They recently held a Greenwing event for the youth of our area. The turn out was not as great as they had hoped, but the kids all had a great time despite the heat and humidity. Tucker spent the day working the BB range while Hank cooked hot dogs.

 Sailor getting some shooting lessons from Tucker.

Tucker tried to help Cutter but quickly realized he wasn't much help for a left handed shooter.
Hank to the rescue.

The sheriffs department was also on hand, who doesn't love a free hat?!
Relaxing in the A/C for a bit.

And trying out the duck blinds.

One of the highlights of the day were the BB gun drawings. The first gun of the day was won by Cutter. That was one happy little boy! He promptly asked to go hunting the next day.

Monday, September 8, 2014

Meeting Jase Robertson

I honestly don't remember how, but at some point Hank learned about a book signing for Jase Robertson taking place in Pensacola. Tucker is a huge fan of the show, so we thought it would be a nice treat to take him over for the signing. I'm pretty sure you can tell by the pictures how happy he was. Although I'd say the bigger one was quite happy too.

Friday, September 5, 2014

Sip, Dip and Dab

Sailor was thrilled to learn that while we were visiting Columbia, Mrs Barbara Fleming would be offering another children's painting class. They had a pretty good turnout and as is normal for Sailor, she was the last one finished. She strives for perfection and gets very frustrated when things don't turn out exactly right.

Some serious concentration going on.

  Her finished masterpiece, I think it's beautiful!
Thank you Mrs. Barbara for all your help and most importantly, patience!

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Lightening Bugs

Living in different states over the years has allowed our family to experience so many different things. However, every once in a while, you realize something that the kids are missing out on. For what ever reason, we don't have lightening bugs where we live. I've never really thought about it, just something we don't see. When we were home this summer, I believe it was Cutter that noticed the first one close to the ditch bank at my parents house. The kids were amazed. We quickly got ourselves a jar and headed out to catch of some fireflies. It ended up being a not so productive event with only two caught, but the kids sure had a good time. *Disclaimer: we released all bugs at the end of the evening and none were harmed.


Tuesday, September 2, 2014

NC Aquarium

While visiting NC this summer, we took one day and took the kids to the Aquarium on Roanoke Island. It had been quite a few years since we had been and we were very excited to hear they had a dinosaur display going on at the time. I just knew Cutter would be thrilled, he loves dinosaurs. Wrong. What I didn't realize was they were quite large, could move, and made noises. He heard the first one roar before we saw them and that pretty much sealed the deal, he was not going without someone holding him.

He pretty much refused to walk by himself.

Sailor doing a little dino digging.
They were really quite amazing.
He was much happier once we got inside.

It's like a chia pet turtle.
Sailor getting in a little vet practice.