Friday, January 24, 2014

Happy Birthday Troy

Precious Little One

I`m just a precious little one
who didn`t make it there.
I went straight to be with Jesus,
but I`m waiting for you here.
Many dwelling here where I live,
waited years to enter in.
Struggled through a world of sorrow,
a world marred with pain and sin.
Thank you for the life you gave me,
it was brief but don`t complain.
I have all Heaven`s Glory,
suffered none of earth`s great pain.
Thank you for the name you gave me.
I`d have loved to bring it fame.
But if I`d lingered in earth`s shadows,
I would have suffered just the same.
So sweet family-don`t you sorrow.
Wipe those tears and chase the gloom.
I went straight to Jesus` arms
from my loving Mother`s womb.

~Author Unknown

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Polar Vortex

During the recent polar vortex, even Florida was not exempt from the extreme temperatures, at least not in our part of the state. We had temperatures in the teens and tied with the current record low temperature. I decided during these few days that I'm not particularly fond of freezing cold weather.

This is what happens when people leave their sprinkler system on during the freezing temperatures.
After picking Cutter up at school, we made a stop at the recreation center for our subdivision. It's a rare sight to see the fountain completely frozen.
The sun had managed to thaw out a little of the water by this point but Cutter was determined to break some of the ice around the bottom. I just knew I was going to end up pulling him out of there!

The fountain in our back yard turned into a local hang out for the birds. This was after it had thawed out a bit, it was completely froze for a day or two.

Monday, January 20, 2014

Bun Warmer

I have to go on the record and say that in no way, shape, or form are Cutter's actions a result of my parenting skills, at least I hope they aren't. On the plus side, we never have a dull moment in our house. This picture was taken quite a few weeks ago, however it is too funny to not share.  Now go and enjoy your Monday, it can't possibly be bad after all this cuteness!

Friday, January 17, 2014

Beach drive

With all the crazy weather we've had in the past month, the beaches have really taken a beating. Normally there is a paved rode between Navarre and Pensacola Beach, but after one of our recent storms the sand just about completely covered the road and parking lots. Hank was more than willing to drive me out to see it, I'm pretty sure he was anxious to do a little playing in it with his truck.

We have certainly adjusted to a warmer climate over the past 4 years and this is about the only way I want to see white stuff covering the road!

This is actually part of a parking lot.
  No trip to the beach is complete without a quick walk to the water.
Another rare treat were the sand dollars we found, beautiful!

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Madrigal Dinner

Each year the Arts Department at Woodlawn works together to put on the Madrigal Dinner. Since Tucker is in band, this meant he had the opportunity to participate. He was quite excited when he found out he made the royal court, which meant he got a part but didn't have to speak. We bought tickets to attend and although I thought the younger two would enjoy it, they pretty much spent the entire evening complaining. It was a rather long event, but the teachers and students put forth a lot of time and effort in putting this together and I have to commend them for all their hard work.

The chorus. 
The royal court.
  This was pretty much the thing Cutter was most impressed with, Tucker carrying the pigs head.

Sailor was impressed with the dancing and tumbling.

Monday, January 13, 2014

St Paul Christmas Program 2013

For the first time since Cutter started attending, his school Christmas program requested the children wear costumes. Each age group was given a costume choice and Cutter had the choice between a sheep or a shepherd. I was quite excited to begin with, until I learned I had to make his costume.  Being as non crafty as they come, I went with what I was hoping was the easier choice...shepherd.

A little coloring before the program. 
Cutter did a great job this year, he actually sang the songs! 
He may not have had the best costume, but I'm pretty sure he was the cutest shepherd there.

Friday, January 10, 2014

Jackson Guard

Jackson Guard is the name of the facility on Eglin AFB that is responsible for the selling of hunting permits in order to hunt on Eglin property. Hank has been there several times, as have a couple of the kids. This was my first time going, and although I don't care a thing about hunting, I was excited to see the deer.

These are the deer that Sailor has fed before.

Inside they have information on the various animals that can be found in the area.
In typical Cutter form, he was most impressed with the various animal droppings.

After we left Jackson Guard we made a quick stop at the sound on Eglin. The boys were quite excited to find deer tracks in the sand.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Zoo trip

Back in November, Cutter got to go on his very first field trip. I don't think he could have been more excited. That morning started out extremely cold and windy, it was rather miserable to begin with, but once the sun got out good it started warming right up.

Ready to go!
This is the first time we've been to the zoo that Cutter showed any interest in feeding the animals at all. I was so proud. He even fed the giraffe but since I had to hold him up to reach, I didn't get a single picture.

This little guy was free to roam around and he followed Cutter for quite some time, he was the cutest little thing.
Cutter and his friend ready for the train ride.

My very own little monkey!
Cutter loved the bears and talked all about Mr Skippy taking him to see the bears in Columbia.
Cutter was not near as excited as I was to see this little joey pop its head out from its moms pouch, adorable!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

So I'm a little late but hoping everyone had a very Merry Christmas and peaceful beginning to the New Year. As usual I'm a little behind in my postings but I am trying to get things back on schedule and back to a normal routine now that the kids are back in school, or as routine as things at our house tend to get!

 Christmas 2013
Tucker 13, Sailor 8, Cutter 4.