Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Date night

I had to debate a little on whether or not I even wanted to share this as I wasn't sure it said very much for my parenting skills. On the other hand, it was too funny not to. This is an actual conversation that took place at my house yesterday afternoon.

I was planning on attending an event in Crestview, which is about a 45 drive from the house, and needed to try and leave about 5. Hank was already running a little later than normal due to a stop at the grocery store and normal traffic. So I went ahead and got ready and figured the worst case scenario was I would leave Tucker watching Sailor and Cutter for a few minutes before Hank got home.

Sailor and Cutter were both in her room playing Game Cube. I went in once completely ready to let them know of the plan.

Me: Sailor and Cutter, your daddy will be here in a few minutes but I'm going to go ahead and get ready to leave so I won't be late.
Sailor: Mommy, you look really pretty, where are you going?
Me: I have a date.
Sailor: With a man?!
Cutter: No silly, with Ms Leann.

Apparently I need to be a little more specific when explaining my dates to Sailor. Either that or Hank and I really need to consider more date nights with each other.

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