Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Cutter turns 3!

Cutter's birthday fell on a Friday this year and since we weren't able to have a little get together until the following Sunday afternoon, I wanted him to still have a little something on his actual birthday. He requested green cupcakes, so green cupcakes it was. It's still hard to believe how quickly the past three years have gone. I am so proud of the little man he has become. All we can do is hope that we are completely done with the terrible two's!

My handsome little man!
This was to priceless to not share. For whatever reason, he had a complete meltdown. Guess turning three is harder work than I thought!
Strawberries made it all better.

1 comment:

  1. Love the meltdown photo. He's precious tears and all! Miss you guys! xoxo
