Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Fort Pickens, part I

Since the beginning of the year we have had warmer than normal weather. Trying to take advantage of the gorgeous weekends and also save a little money, we recently went over to Pensacola Beach to check out Fort Pickens. I'm so glad we did. It's hard to believe we have been here for 2 1/2 years and this was our first time there. The military history here is quite amazing. Fort Pickens was completed in 1834 and was one of four major forts used to protect the pass leading into Pensacola Bay and the naval ship yards. At one time Geronimo was also imprisoned here.

The kids loved all the tunnels.

 This picture is looking across the pass. The lighthouse is located on the naval base and in close proximity to Fort Barrancus.

Each of these semi circular areas once held a cannon. The water in the distance is the Gulf of Mexico.

I can't begin to imagine how much work and time was put into building this place.

The USS Independence currently docked at the naval base.


  1. That looks like such a cool place for a photo session!

    1. I thought about you when we were there, it has so many neat places to do pics. I've even seen some bridal portraits that were done there and they are gorgeous!
