Monday, August 2, 2010

Soppin chocolate

This was always one of my absolute favorites that I remember my granddaddy making. I am not a huge chocolate eater but something about this is just heavenly. I have never known my grandmother to make it, always granddaddy, and several years ago we felt we needed to know the secret to this wonderful treat so that it could be enjoyed for years to come, so granddaddy taught Hank how to make it. Tucker remembers granddaddy fixing this and having it at their house, but this might be the first time that Sailor remembers having it, and of course Cutter just thought it was the best ever!

1 comment:

  1. I'm sure Hank told you that our grandmama used to make it too with cheese biscuits - YUMMY!!!! You can't get much better than that! Love you all!
