Sailor's school held a gingerbread house competition back in December. I had not been given much information about the competition itself, and since Sailor was doing it as part of her gifted class I really didn't ask many questions. I do know they were given a list of rules and requirements and if any of those were not met they would result in a zoning violation and penalties. None of these were done for a grade, but they did have winning categories and prizes for some of the top winners, including a Kindle Fire for the top winner. After attending the competition, I learned that obviously not all students did their houses without adult help, and that next year Hank will definitely want to help Sailor out. There were around 200 hundred houses entered in the competition.
This is the beach house that Sailor and two of her classmates made. They have the beach and a pier on one side.
And a pool on the other.
There were some super creative concepts.
I could be wrong in assuming on this one, but I'm going to say that the parents helped more than the student. Or it could be that my child just is not as neat as this student.
I don't know if this one won anything, but I think it deserved something. I thought it was hilarious.