At the top of the ferris wheel. For those that know me, this is a major accomplishment. I absolutely hate ferris wheels. I will ride just about any roller coaster on the planet but ferris wheels are a whole different story.
This year they had a petting zoo which the kids enjoyed.
This was one of the most unusual animals I've ever seen, a sheep with dreadlocks. Hank was checking to make sure it really had eyes under there.
Okay, so he wasn't so much for petting as for shock factor I think. And I complain about headaches!
As you can see, Hank and Tucker weren't exactly thrilled about the carousel.
My families hands down, absolute favorite, the bumper cars. I rode with Tucker so of course I don't have a single picture of him but the looks on Sailor and Cutter's faces are priceless.
That is pure delight on that little girls face!
Have you ever seen two happier little boys?!
We got lucky and planned our trip on one of the concert nights. Although the kids hated it, they said the music was too loud, Hank and I were thrilled to see Travis Tritt perform. I was immediately taken back about 20 years to my high school days with friends at the state fair and Travis Tritt on the radio, you can't get much better than that.
Now throw your hands in the air...
And because one time isn't enough and they honestly love it that much, another round with the bumper cars.
I let Tucker have his own car this time and I rode with Cutter which isn't an easy task. You have to hang on to him or he will go flying out of the car.
Exhausted after a fun filled afternoon and evening.