Sailor loves animals, it doesn't matter what kind. She didn't hesitate to feed any animal there.
These are Sika Deer, a spotted Japanese deer.
And they were hungry. You could barely walk through them.
Tucker and Cutter refused to go in the pen, instead they fed them from the safety of the other side.
She would stick her hand in any pen they allowed.
Isn't he amazing?!
Hank loved getting to feed and see them.
I wish I had recorded this conversation. Hank was letting him know how lucky he was that he was on a farm and not where he could shoot him. 
Reindeer! I was most excited about seeing these guys.
To my surprise, Cutter fed them. I guess that close to Christmas he wanted to make sure they were healthy.
See, I fed some animals. I just didn't touch them. And washed my hands before we left. And sanitized
This kid cracks me up!
Everyone loved the baby goats.
And then a battle broke out with some bigger ones.
So guess who had to get up close and watch the fighting goats.
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