Monday, February 14, 2011

Gulf Coast Exploreum Science Center

This Saturday we got up and made a trip to Mobile, Alabama. We are located a little over 60 miles from Mobile but this is the first time we've been since we moved here. And I can tell you, we will definitely be going again. I had heard and read about the science center so we were excited about taking the kids. We didn't tell them where we were going until we got there and even then they were still unsure what to think, until we got inside. Right now they have an insect exhibit going on, featuring several extremely larger than life robotic insects.

This photo gives you an idea of the size of the robotic bugs.

In addition to the bugs on display, they have a biolab that teaches you the importance of bugs, including their nutritional value. They had fried crickets for everyone to sample. Here is Tucker eating his 2nd cricket. Not only did he try one, he went back for more! Sailor and Cutter were the only two that wouldn't try them. I was brave enough to try it although just knowing it was a cricket I was eating made it slightly awful.
Madagascar hissing cockroach, just plain disgusting!
One of the sections at the center is a blue screen to teach you how the news and weather are broadcast. Tucker had on a blue jacket so he didn't show up on screen too good. He is providing the weather forecast for our area.
Now time for the evening news.
They have an entire section devoted to health and nutrition. One of the things we enjoyed was a computerized heart surgery. Tucker is repairing a clogged artery and performing a bypass.
Everything in the center is hands on which is great for keeping everyone entertained and busy, all while learning.
A little tug of war with Hank.

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