My parents were just here for a visit and after all the work they did while they were here, I'm sure they may not want to come back for a bit. But the kids sure enjoyed their visit, especially Tucker. He and dad got to spend some time fishing, Tucker's new favorite sport, and that is all he has talked about since they left. Tucker has already asked me to save my money so they can do more fishing at the Pensacola Pier when they are able to come again!
Cutter is doing fabulous with his eating. We have yet to introduce a vegetable that he won't eat. He has gone from eating half the container at supper to eating the entire thing, such a growing little man. He is doing better with his sleeping although it is very rare for him to sleep all night. He has also finally taken to formula. I wasn't sure he would ever take a bottle but after many tries he finally figured out that it wasn't such a bad thing. He still hasn't mastered crawling but that hasn't slowed him down at all, he can scoot over the entire house.
LOVE Sailor's hair!! She is such a beauty!!! Just like her Mom and Dad!