After 20 years, Hank is officially a civilian again. Okay, so not exactly. He is still on terminal leave for about another week, but as of December 1, it's all official. His retirement ceremony was held in October right before he started his leave, and we were very blessed to have both our families attend. I'm sorry I didn't take as many pictures as I had planned on. Between having to participate in the ceremony and the tears, my camera was the last thing on my mind. Hank originally planned his ceremony to take place outside, but Mother Nature decided we needed a monsoon that morning so at the last minute everything had to be changed. Red Horse did a great job of managing to still having everything go as planned even with the last minute changes. It was a very busy day and somehow in the chaos I didn't get a single picture of my parents with Hank. :(
Retired Capt. Tim Leno performed Hanks ceremony.
He looks thrilled huh?!
Hank had a little gift for each of the kids for all their years of service and dedication as well.
Notice Sailor's face, she looked like this through most of the ceremony. She seriously cried almost the entire time.
Presentation of his shadow box.
Of course we had to have picture proof that Sonny actually made the trip to Florida, otherwise no one would believe it!
Hank was so proud that his grandmother was able to make the trip and be here for his special day.