Tuesday, September 27, 2011

First soccer game of the season

A little over a week ago Sailor had her first soccer game of the season, and what a fun game it was. She did great and put a ton of effort into playing, I was so proud of her. Her team won 4-0!

Sailor got the first kick of the game, she was so excited.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


Cutter and I love walking the pier, especially on some of the cooler mornings we've had lately. Last week we got over there early one morning and although nothing exciting was being caught on the pier, there were quite a few paddleboarders out. I love watching them and can't wait to give it a try myself one day. Come to find out we should have gone to Pensacola that particular day as Jimmy Buffett was in town and doing a little paddleboarding of his own at his hotel.

Can't start the day much better than this!

Monday, September 19, 2011

Regatta time

Last weekend for my birthday we met our friends over at the beach for lunch at Juana's . Lucky for us in addition to the gorgeous weather they happened to be having a regatta going on. The kids loved seeing all the boats and bright colored sails.

The buildings you see in the distance are at Pensacola Beach.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Backyard visitor

For the past few days we have had a regular visitor to our backyard. Daisy stays in the backyard and even though we have an underground fence to keep her to certain areas I was still quite surprised to see a rabbit in our yard. We typically have been seeing the rabbit underneath the swing set but have yet to figure out where it stays or might be coming from. We have a small group of palmetto along the fence line that I despise and am afraid I may have to deal with it if that is where the rabbit is living. The kids have thoroughly enjoyed getting to watch him and are busy trying to decide on a name for it.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Soccer Practice

Back to school means back to all our after school activities. This year Sailor decided she wanted to play soccer again. She played while in NC but this is the first year since we moved here that she really begged to play again. Last week was her first practice and she was thrilled to find out she is playing on an all girls team. The coach let the kids decide on their own name and being as it is an entire team of 6 and 7 year old little girls, they decided to be the "Soccer Fairies". They have decided the only thing that might make it better is if they get pink uniforms!

One of the assistants, I can't remember his name, but he plays soccer for the high school team.
Cutter and Tucker getting in a little football during practice.

I'm not sure who left more exhausted, Sailor or Cutter.